Electronic loan payments are a great way to save on finance charges, reduce the term of your loan, set up an automatic savings plan and much more, all without waiting in line for a teller.
When you are ready to make a loan payment on your Sutton Bank loan, simply click the link on the bottom of this page. Enter your loan account number, password, date and the amount of your loan payment. Sutton Bank's Loan Payment service accepts your payment and displays a confirmation number. When you have completed this process, you can enter the confirmation number and the date into the payment schedule used for your records.
You are not required to have a personal checking or savings account at Sutton Bank in order to use this service. The Electronic Loan Payment system can debit a checking or savings account at any financial institution that accepts ACH transactions.
This leaves you in control of each loan payment due date and amount.
The system also includes a repeat payment option that can be activated by borrowers. This feature can repeat a payment for a specified number of times or until a balance is paid in full.
Please NOTE! Electronic loan payment transfer requests received prior to 12:00 pm (noon) will post on the next business day. Electronic loan payment requests received after 12:00 pm (noon) will be posted 2 business days following the request. Please allow sufficient time for payment posting to occur!
To make a payment on your Sutton Bank loan from a checking or savings account, click on this link: